These resources address an array of tools and service providers available to help landowners plan for the future of their land, including options for permanent protection.
Conservation Options
Conservation Options – A primer from the Land Trust Alliance on selecting the land protection option that meets a landowner’s needs and goals for their land.
Protecting the Land You Love – This guide for landowners produced for the Connecticut Land Conservation Council by the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies details a range of land protection tools and mechanisms to serve a variety of objectives, interspersed with landowner stories.
Your Land, Your Legacy – This handbook for New York landowners provides guidance on planning for the future of farm or forestland, from articulating goals, to understanding estate planning and conservation options. Published by University of Massachusetts, Amherst for Cornell Cooperative Extension.
Their Land, Their Legacy – A guide for professionals who advise landowners on decisions about the future of their land, produced by a team at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, University of Maine, University of Vermont, and Cornell Cooperative Extension.
Connecticut Land Conservation Council – The CLCC represents the interests of CT land trusts to state government, and provides technical support, direct assistance, and educational opportunities for land trusts statewide.
Land Trust Alliance New York Program – The New York Program of the Land Trust Alliance provides support for New York-based land trusts in the form of grant funding, training, guidance on accreditation, and advocacy at the state level.
Find A Land Trust – An interactive map of land trusts in the United States, maintained by the Land Trust Alliance.
Service Providers
Connecticut Conservation Service Provider Directory – A directory of businesses, consultants, contractors, and non-profits that work with Connecticut Land Trusts compiled by the Connecticut Land Conservation Council
Service Providers for Regional Conservation Partnerships – A directory of individuals with expertise relevant to conservation partnerships in areas such as conservation planning, fundraising, land transactions, Geographic Information Systems, report writing, legal services, and forest management.
Regional Conservation Partnerships are informal networks of individuals representing public and private organizations and agencies that develop and implement a shared conservation vision across town, state, and international boundaries.
Regional Conservation Partnership Network – The RCP Network website serves as a hub of information and dialogue for members and supporters of large landscape collaboratives in New England and eastern New York, featuring a blog, forum, and resources for RCPs.
Regional Conservation Partnership Handbook – This handbook details 10 steps to help individuals and groups organize, plan, coordinate, and implement land conservation and stewardship activities as effective cross-boundary collaboratives.
Birds as Charismatic Champions for Regional Conservation Partnerships – This article published by the North American Bird Conservation Initiative provides examples of how groups and individuals have come together through regional conservation partnerships to conserve critical bird habitat, propagate knowledge of bird-friendly forest management techniques, and use birds as a hook to engage landowners about conservation and stewardship.
Wildlands and Woodlands is a regional vision that calls for the retention and permanent protection of 70% of the New England landscape as forest, and at least 7% as farmland by 2060.